▶ Amendment to law comes into force tomorrow ▶ Transport minister relies on higher financial fines and longer driving license suspension:
Starting tomorrow 1. September the law amendment to the “Raserpaket” enters into force. Massive speeding violations now face hefty fines of up to 5,000 euros.
However, not only higher financial penalties await such irresponsible speeders. Who exceeds the speed limits in the local area or open roads massively, must count in the future also on a clearly longer driver’s license withdrawal.
“If so far with first-time transgression around 41 to 60 km/h in the place a driver’s license withdrawal of two weeks threatened, then it is now a month. If the offense repeats itself, three months threaten. With each further transgression the decrease extends by three to six months , so ÖAMTC chief lawyer Martin Hoffer. The endorsement in the driver’s license register only expires after four years.
A driver who exceeds the speed limit by more than 30 km/h will pay 150 euros from tomorrow instead of the previous 70. Drivers who exceed the speed limit by more than 40 kilometers per hour in built-up areas or 50 kilometers per hour outside built-up areas will have to pay 300 euros instead of 150 euros.
To finally put an end to illegal street racing, would-be racers face having their driver’s licenses suspended for six months. “Decisive for success are also the density and quality of monitoring by the executive,” emphasizes the ÖAMTC lawyer.
— source: krone.at and oeamtc.at/picture: pixabay.com
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